2024-05-13 |
Bonding Resolution - Sewerage - $22,000,000 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-04-08 |
Motion - Suspend Rules on the Second Reading of item #10 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-05-13 |
Bonding Resolution - Capital Budget - $76,231,000 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Approve the Calendar for the '24-'25 term (item #4) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-03-11 |
Consent Calendar |
Absent |
Passed |
Absent |
2024-04-08 |
Net Zero Energy Standards SOMR (item #10) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$650,000 for Police Overtime |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Motion - Suspend Rules on the Second Reading of item #39 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-12-09 |
Designate Historic Property - 98 Riverside Ave (item #12) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-12-09 |
$700,000 - North Street Bridge |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-10-28 |
Bonding - $1,565,000 - Fire Truck Replacement (item #8) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Appointment - Lauren O'Keefe to the Board of Health |
Abstain |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Elect a Moderator (item #2) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Increase Vol. Firefighters Tax Abatement to $2,000 (item #16) |
Abstain |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
$411,055 for the Hamilton Avenue HVAC Replacement (item #7) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend Noise Ordinance - D11 Motion 3 - Special Exclusions |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$702,000 for Nathaniel Witherell Sewer (items #35 & #36) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
Bonding - $1,965,000 for OGS |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$3,850,000 for Round Hill Fire Station (items #33 & 34) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Refer Noise Ordinance to Special Committee |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Reject UPSEU Contract (item #40) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Suspend Rules on the Second Reading of item #17 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$500,000 for a Transportation Safety Action Plan |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-10-28 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Postpone item #13 to March 2024 |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Motion - Suspend Rules on the Second Reading of item #25 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
$110,000 for Kitchen Equipment at Nathaniel Witherell (item #13) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend 6B Noise Ordinance - First Selectman/Law Dept (item #17) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-04-08 |
Reject GMEA Contract (item #8) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-09-16 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
MI for Dorothy Hamill Rink |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-03-11 |
Amend Fair Rent Commission - Lower Vote Threshold from 5 to 4 |
Absent |
Passed |
Absent |
2024-10-28 |
$799,200 Traffic Signal Upgrades (item #11) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-09-16 |
Reject Teamsters Local 456 Agreement (item #19) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-10-28 |
Designate Historic Property - Bruce Park (item #10) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend Noise Ordinance - D11 Motion 1 - Provision 6B-6(E)(6) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Motion - Refer Moderator File Notice to L&R |
No |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-04-08 |
Amend Net Zero Energy Standards SOMR |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Elect a Moderator ProTempore (item #3) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-12-09 |
Bonding - $700,000 - North Street Bridge (item #14) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
Bonding - $120,000 for Library Elevators |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
Motion - Limit Debate |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Amend RTM Rules - Sec. II(B)(4)(b) Filling a Vacancy (item #25) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Reduce item #7 to $411,055 |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Limit Debate |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$350,000 for the Wallace Center (items #27 & #28) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-12-09 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
$1,965,000 for Old Greenwich School Expansion/Renovation |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Appointment - Sarah Gamble to the Board of Health |
Abstain |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Designate Historic Property - Putnam Cottage (item #39) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-09-16 |
Reject GOSA Agreement (item #20) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-05-13 |
Budget (FY24-25) As Amended |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-10-28 |
$1,565,000 for Fire Truck Replacement (item #7) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
$120,000 to Modernize 3 Elevators at the Greenwich Library |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend Noise Ordinance - D10 Motion - Provision 6B‐6(E)(6) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
$6,500,000 for Grass Island Treatment Plant (items #31 & #32) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Amend Vacancy Filing Requirements - Wet Ink or Electronic |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-12-09 |
Amend RTM Rules - Sec. III (A) req. to file notice |
Yes |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-09-16 |
Westchester County Airport Terminal Use Agreements (item #16) |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2025-01-21 |
$252,076 for Decorative Light Poles in Glenville |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-04-08 |
Consent Calendar |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-06-10 |
Amend Vacancy Filing Requirements - Wet Ink Only |
Yes |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-03-11 |
Amend Fair Rent Commission - Require 2 Landlords and 2 Tenants |
Absent |
Failed |
Absent |
2024-04-08 |
Reject IAFF Local 1042 Firefighters Contract (item #7) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Motion - Postpone item #5 Indefinitely |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend Noise Ordinance - D11 Motion 2 - Sunset Clause |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-10-28 |
Reject LIUNA Contract (item #9) |
No |
Failed |
In Person |
2024-01-16 |
Amend Noise Ordinance - HHS |
Yes |
Passed |
In Person |
2024-03-11 |
Adopt an Ordinance for Fair Rent Commission (item #35) |
Absent |
Passed |
Absent |