RTM District 9

Pemberwick and Glenville — Bounded on the north by the center of the Merritt Parkway from the New York State Line to the intersection with the Byram River; on the east by the center of the Byram River southerly to the intersection of Bailiwick Road, thence easterly on the center of Bailiwick Road to Riversville Road, then southerly on the center of Riversville Road to Pecksland Road, thence easterly on the center of Pecksland Road to Clark's Drive, thence easterly on the center of Clark's Drive to Sherwood's Brook, thence southerly along Sherwood's Brook to Rockefeller Pond, and thence by Pemberwick Brook to Weaver Street, thence on the center line of Weaver Street to East Weaver Street, and thence by the center of East Weaver Street to the Boston Post Road; on the south by the center of the Boston Post Road from East Weaver Street westerly to a point 200 feet east of the New York State Line; on the west from a point on the Boston Post Road 200 feet east of the New York State line northerly to the intersection of Davis Avenue and the Byram River, thence northerly along the center of the Byram River to Comly Avenue, thence westerly along the center of Comly Avenue to the New York State Line, thence northerly along the New York State Line to the Merritt Parkway.

At a Glance

The graph below highlights groups of members within a district who tend to vote similarly on measures. Members are represented by circles, the color of which indicates their grouping. A line connects two members if they vote the same at least half of the time.

Click and drag to zoom on a grouping. Double-click to zoom out.

Some members are omitted due to limited voting data, either due to: (a) low voting participation (Carl Griffasi; Betsey S. Frumin; Claudia A. Carthaus); or (b) having joined too recently (N/A). See notes below.

Analysis considers the voting history of the current term and only includes current members who voted on at least two-thirds of all measures considered by the RTM in that time period. Measures which were unanimous within a district are excluded (e.g., procedural measures like the consent calendar are often unanimous - which would skew the analysis - and are therefore omitted). To read more about the grouping algorithm, see: Clauset, A., Newman, M. E. J., & Moore, C. (2004). Finding community structure in very large networks. arXiv.

Current Members

Name Term Start Officer and Committee Position(s)
Betsey S. Frumin Jan '24 District Chair
Jonathan R. Shankman Jan '24 District Secretary
Carol A. Zarrilli Jan '24 District Vice Chair, Budget Overview Committee Member
Claudia A. Carthaus Jan '24 Public Works Committee Member
Barbara T. Darula Jan '24 Parks and Rec Committee Member
Patricia "Patti" DeFelice Jan '24 Parks and Rec Committee Alternate
Donna F. Gaudioso-Zeale Jan '24 Public Works Committee Alternate, HHS Committee Alternate
Carl Griffasi Jan '24 Land Use Committee Alternate
Elizabeth Porcher "Shaye" Hester Jan '24 Legislative and Rules Committee Alternate
Anne N. Jones "Dawson" Jan '24 Land Use Committee Member, Town Services Committee Alternate
Abbe F. Large Jan '24 Finance Committee Member
Brian J. Malin Jan '24
Lauren B. O'Keefe Jan '24 HHS Committee Member
Geralyn Beth O. Rubenstein Jan '24 Appointments Committee Alternate, Transportation Committee Member
Ferdinando G. Schiro Jan '24 Education Committee Member, Transportation Committee Alternate
Joanne I. Steinhart Jan '24 Appointments Committee Member
Jane C. Weisbecker Jan '24 Claims Committee Member, Legislative and Rules Committee Vice Chair
Michael J. Acerbo Jan '24 Finance Committee Alternate
Pamela R. Ferraro Jan '24 Budget Overview Committee Alternate
Amelia Cara Szabo Jan '24 Education Committee Alternate

Please note that our data starts in January 2022. Many members served (many!) terms before then.

Name Term(s) Served Officer and Committee Position(s)
Michael P. Brescia Jan '22-Dec '23; Jan '24-Jan '24 Finance Committee Alternate (Jan '22-Dec '23)
Mark R. Kordick Jan '22-Dec '23 Public Works Committee Member (Jan '22-Dec '23)
Donato "Dan" Sinisi Sep '22-Dec '23 Town Services Committee Member (Sep '22-Dec '23)
Sarah R. Haag-Fisk Jan '22-Dec '22
Brian R. Raney Jan '22-Jun '22