RTM Members
Explore voting statistics on members of the RTM, from January '22 through today.
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At a Glance
The chart below highlights potential partisan voting tendancies within the RTM as a whole. Members technically run on a non-partisan basis, though it's clear there are groups who consistently vote along party lines (based on their personal political affiliations). Members are represented by circles, the color of which indicates their political affiliation (red = republican; blue = democrat; yellow = 3rd party / unaffiliated). A line connects two members if they tend to vote similarly on issues.
Analysis considers the current term, and only includes current members who voted on at least two-thirds of all measures considered by the RTM in that time period. Currently, 175 members are included in the graph. Members' names are intentionally omitted given the intended non-partisan nature of the RTM. To read more about the grouping algorithm, see: Clauset, A., Newman, M. E. J., & Moore, C. (2004). Finding community structure in very large networks. arXiv.