Jordan E Yarett

At a Glance

Participation Rates

Member's participation rate, based on the number of times they were eligible to vote on measures.


Voted Yes or No


Abstained or Didn't Vote



Closest Measures

The closest votes by the RTM since the start of this member's first term, based on the margin of yes and no votes — and how this member voted on those issues.

Date Measure Name Vote Outcome
2024-10-28 Bonding - $1,565,000 - Fire Truck Replacement (item #8) Absent Failed
2024-12-09 Amend RTM Rules - Sec. III (A) req. to file notice No Failed
2025-01-21 MI for Dorothy Hamill Rink Did Not Vote Failed
2024-12-09 Bonding - $700,000 - North Street Bridge (item #14) Yes Passed
2025-01-21 Bonding - $120,000 for Library Elevators Did Not Vote Passed
2024-10-28 Reject LIUNA Contract (item #9) Absent Failed
2024-10-28 $799,200 Traffic Signal Upgrades (item #11) Absent Passed
2024-10-28 Designate Historic Property - Bruce Park (item #10) Absent Passed
2024-12-09 Designate Historic Property - 98 Riverside Ave (item #12) Yes Passed
2025-01-21 $1,965,000 for Old Greenwich School Expansion/Renovation Yes Passed

Votes Cast

RTM District 11 (Oct '24 to Dec '25)

Date Measure Name Vote Outcome Modality
2025-01-21 $120,000 to Modernize 3 Elevators at the Greenwich Library Did Not Vote Passed Remote
2024-10-28 Designate Historic Property - Bruce Park (item #10) Absent Passed Absent
2025-01-21 MI for Dorothy Hamill Rink Did Not Vote Failed Remote
2024-10-28 Consent Calendar Absent Passed Absent
2024-12-09 $700,000 - North Street Bridge Yes Passed In Person
2025-01-21 Bonding - $120,000 for Library Elevators Did Not Vote Passed Remote
2024-12-09 Designate Historic Property - 98 Riverside Ave (item #12) Yes Passed In Person
2024-12-09 Bonding - $700,000 - North Street Bridge (item #14) Yes Passed In Person
2025-01-21 $1,965,000 for Old Greenwich School Expansion/Renovation Yes Passed Remote
2024-10-28 $799,200 Traffic Signal Upgrades (item #11) Absent Passed Absent
2025-01-21 Bonding - $1,965,000 for OGS Yes Passed Remote
2024-12-09 Amend RTM Rules - Sec. III (A) req. to file notice No Failed In Person
2025-01-21 Motion - Limit Debate Did Not Vote Passed Remote
2025-01-21 Consent Calendar Did Not Vote Passed Remote
2024-10-28 $1,565,000 for Fire Truck Replacement (item #7) Absent Passed Absent
2024-10-28 Bonding - $1,565,000 - Fire Truck Replacement (item #8) Absent Failed Absent
2024-10-28 Reject LIUNA Contract (item #9) Absent Failed Absent
2024-12-09 Consent Calendar Yes Passed In Person
2025-01-21 $252,076 for Decorative Light Poles in Glenville Did Not Vote Passed Remote