Measure: $6,500,000 for Grass Island Treatment Plant (items #31 & #32)

Passed on 2024-06-10

Appropriate and bond $6,500,000 for the Grass Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. The funds will be used for the rehabilitation and retrofit of the plant influent distribution channel, full equipment replacement for the five primary settling tanks, structural rehabilitation of the tanks, and other necessary work to maintain plant operations. The project was identified through the asset management program and aims to address equipment and infrastructure that are beyond their service life and periodically failing.
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At a Glance

Party Breakdown

  • Democrats were most likely to vote: Yes
  • Republicans were most likely to vote: Yes
  • Unaffiliateds were most likely to vote: Yes

Vote Breakdown

Overall Outcome


Outcome by District


Votes by District


Votes Cast